
Ray Brown, CFP®

Wealth Planner

Enneagram: 3 Emoji used most: 😆

Strengths: Focus | Woo | Developer | Maximizer | Positivity

Personal Motto – “Life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself”

Unique ability – By communicating with a sense of humor and comforting ease, Ray’s unique ability is to analyze and get to the roots of truths and to tailor strategies that can serve as a framework to motivate and inspire others to reach their greatest potential.

Ray left a decade-long career in the Film Industry in 2021 to change course and become a Wealth Advisor. He first completed Dave Ramsey’s Financial Coach Master Training and began coordinating Financial Peace University classes. He completed his CFP® Certification Program through the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business and has proved to be an excellent addition to our team and for GIA’s clients.

Ray is a testament to how to make a major life and career transition and do it well! You can find him as the relatable and personable guest on many of our podcast episodes including this one, How Do I make a Career Transition,” since he is one of our resident experts in this area.

Right after college and on the cusp of launching a career, Ray stumbled upon the daunting reality of accumulated student debt. This pivotal moment fueled his determination to explore the psychology of personal finance and the intricate behaviors that shape financial well-being. As an advisor today, his passion arises from helping individuals envision their futures, crafting clear paths toward financial peace, and transforming challenges into victories. His journey intertwines with those he works with, offering guidance based on shared experiences and the relentless pursuit of financial well-being.
Since joining GIA, Ray has made another major life change – getting married to his beautiful wife, Lindsey, who is a Speech-Language Pathologist at Dekalb County School District. Together they love exploring new destinations along the Atlanta Beltline.
What attracted you to Goodwin Investment Advisory? – “I love the work that we do and the transformational client experiences we aim to help shape. It’s been so great to see GIA evolve since 2017 when I first reached out to become a client of the firm. We have a rockstar team and clients that are fun to spend time with. Oh, and the fresh, warm, cookies we bake in-house at least once per week – that’s the real reason I’m here!”
He would love to have coffee with “Dave Ramsey. I admire the brand that he has built and his style of coaching and the psychology behind the advice he shares. I like that he leads people to hope, shows the light at the end of the tunnel and a path to get you there. I even attribute my initial interest in the financial industry to him.”
When he looks at himself and the life that he lives, what is he most proud of? “My personal desire to constantly raise the bar and stretch to attain things that might appear out-of-reach.”
The best piece of advice he has ever received David Copperfield (yes, the magician) who said, “treat possibilities as probabilities.”
If Ray could share one lesson with the world it would be “Change will challenge who you are and who you will become, so let optimism be your guide.”
What is one mistake you have made that you are grateful for now? “Allowing student debt into my life. But in doing so, I quickly learned the power of discipline (by kicking into “Gazelle Intensity” mode when eliminating debt), budgeting, and planning for the future. Falling in love with this process ultimately led me to my passion (and obsession) for personal finance.”
Favorite books:
Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Jaws by Peter Benchley
Hiding the Elephant by Jim Steinmeyer

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