Estate Planning2024-06-11T12:10:57+00:00

legacy that will last for generations

At Goodwin Investment Advisory we know that you want to create a legacy that will last for generations. Our team wants to empower you with confidence that your estate plan is a reflection of the legacy you want to leave. We know that people, family, and giving to charities close to your heart are of the utmost importance. Knowing how your lifetime of work can benefit the people and organizations you cherish is rewarding.

Estate Planning - Father and Son Bonding at Home

maximize your wealth

Our team is here for you. We don’t want you to be burdened by administrative details, so we will help guide you in the process to create a tax efficient, retirement and legacy plan that will maximize the wealth distributed to the people and causes you love.

legacy planning

Our financial advisors will help you align your values with your estate plan and your financial plan. We will help you consider how your assets will be distributed under your current estate plan and existing tax law, specifically working with Trusts, Wills, Power of Attorneys, and healthcare directives. We also offer private trust services.

will + trust planning

Wills and trusts are both essential components of estate planning, which include legal instructions on where your wealth should go once you’ve passed on. Our team is here to help you create a legacy plan that fits your needs. We are here to help you consider all the hard, overlooked questions so that you feel confident your estate plan thoroughly reflects the legacy you want to leave.

get started

Are you ready to create an estate plan with our trusted team of advisors? Schedule a short intro call with Tara to get started.

Estate Planning - Woman Enjoying Alone Time at Café, Checking Her Phone

how to hire us?

Get on a call


schedule an intro call

Our consultant will listen to your story and answer any questions you have during this free 15-minute intro call.

Meet with an advisor


meet with an advisor

One of our advisors will discuss managing your investments and your financial goals in a free consultation.

Join our client family


join our client family

Join our firm for unparalleled customer service and get your personalized strategy and access to all of our services.


Can I hire someone to help me create a retirement plan but not manage my investments?2024-03-12T13:52:23+00:00

Yes, we offer hourly paid retirement planning.

Depending on your needs and the complexity of your plan, this could range from $1,000 up to $3,000 for a comprehensive financial plan. 

How much are the fees?2024-03-19T13:35:49+00:00

Our fees are calculated based on your assets under management (AUM) with us, with a minimum of $1000 quarterly. The overall percentage decreases as the AUM increases, and the fees are typically taken directly from your investment accounts on a quarterly basis.

Under this model, you will have access all of our services and team. To view our client advisory agreement, click here.

We also have hourly paid financial consulting for financial planning and does not include investment management. Click here to learn more.

What are my next steps?2024-03-12T13:51:27+00:00

The first step is to schedule an intro call. 

Next, you will have a free 60-minute consultation in our office. We prefer to meet with you in-person, but we can accommodate you virtually if you prefer.

Thereafter, it is up to you if you want to schedule a second consultation to continue the conversation.

If you are ready to engage our firm, we will set up a meeting to sign the necessary documents and get you started on your journey as part of our client family! 

What can I expect on the intro call?2024-03-12T13:50:59+00:00

On your introductory call, our consultant will ask you questions to get to know your story and financial goals.

If you want to prepare, the most challenging question you will be asked to answer is: “If we were meeting again 3-5 years from today, and you were looking back over time–what would need to happen to be happy with your financial progress?”

Our consultant will also ask you about your pain points, whether you have worked with a previous advisor, what success looks like when working with an advisor, any debt you might have, income streams, investments and your retirement plan. Our consultant will spend time addressing your questions and, if you request it, will set up a free follow-up consultation with one of our advisors. 

When is the best time to hire a financial advisor?2024-03-19T13:28:22+00:00
  • Managing your assets has become increasingly stressful on your own.
  • You are unhappy with your current advisor.
  • You want to collaborate with a financial professional before making big financial decisions, such as deciding when to retire.
  • You realize you have handled most (if not all) of your investments, and your spouse needs someone they trust and can turn to for help if they outlive you.
  • You receive a significant inheritance.
  • You retire or change employers.
  • You need help deciding when to take your Pension or if it’s better to take the lump sum payout. 
  • You have a large amount of cash, such as after selling property or a business. 
  • You want advice on a tax planning and minimization strategy when it comes to managing your investments. 
  • You lack confidence in your current financial plan and want to know what you don’t know to help remove that uncertainty and bring security.
Why should I hire a financial advisor?2024-03-19T13:29:16+00:00
  • You’ve probably heard the quote, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
    • Making decisions with a trusted financial advisor has proven time and time again to provide better outcomes than making decisions without a financial advisor. 
  • Please don’t take our word for it. Just search Google (or a different search engine if you prefer) with the phrase,
    • How much better returns do investors get with a financial advisor?
  • Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal referencing a study done by Vanguard, which found that “advisors can potentially add 3% or more to a client’s net investment returns by picking cost-effective investments, behavioral coaching, and more.”
    • You might be surprised to see how much faster investments can grow over time, with an annual 3% increase.
  • Consider asking a friend who has hired a financial advisor why they hired one. And while you’re at it, check out our Google reviews online, where many of our clients shared why they hired us. 
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