Tim Goodwin’s WHY story

One of the best feelings I’ve experienced is being generous.

Growing up in a church parsonage in Northboro, Massachusets, when my parents would pay me and my two brothers our allowance, we would always put 10% into a large manila envelope that hung in a basket on the wall. Every few months, we’d total up the money, primarily dimes at that time, and head to Walmart to purchase items to give victims of recent natural disasters.

It felt so good to be generous to others. I cherished that feeling and have continued to be intentionally generous with my time and money ever since. It’s because of these habits that formed early in childhood I was surprised when I first discover that not everyone was intentionally generous and often found it challenging to start.

Helping others experience generosity became my driving motivation to start in GIA in 2004. I wanted to help people invest and get better returns on their investments so they could have excess wealth that they would give back to their families, churches, and alma maters.

And it’s written in our walls. Before the drywall went up, I wrote with a sharpie on a board, Hebrews 13:16

And do not forget to do good and to share with others for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Generosity is making investments in the Kingdom of God; it helps us stave off depression, live for something bigger than ourselves, and helps us to let go of control… in all areas of our lives by not hanging on so tightly to all of our money.

That same vein of generosity has been with us all this time through our marching orders, aka our mission.

To lead people to financial peace, independence, and generosity.

And it’s working!